The summer of 2021 was a blur. Not only did I take over the studio as owner but had decided to relocate it. While I was busy checking in on construction timelines (sort of a joke in the summer of 2021 - the summer of "supply chain issues"), teaching multiple classes every day, getting the kids shuttled everywhere, and trying to be a supportive spouse who was understanding of the demands of a restaurant located in an area close to vacation spots and a frequent stop for many a traveler heading to or from the beach.
I thought everything was ok. This version of "normal" that I had come to know was working for us. I thought. I moved through birthdays, holidays, and ever-changing schedules. As we moved away from pandemic precautions and corporate meetings began to pick up again, he started adding travel dates to his work schedule. He had been promoted to oversee more than one restaurant location, so he would often tell one location that he was working at the other one (& vice versa) to not draw any questions for his absence. I would ask what his long-term plan might be for how to juggle both, and that was always met with a dismissive comment or frustrated comeback that he "would handle it". I saw no way that it was sustainable, and it was consistently pointed out to me that when the studio "could actually help out more" he might not have to be gone as much. I asked for numbers every time - please, give me a goal, a number, something to work towards. What budget are we working with? What do I need to be able to bring home for you to not travel as much? At what point can you limit your travel dates? Will you eventually leave the restaurant or sell the business? Any and all of these questions were apparently incredibly offensive judging by the responses they always elicited.
And then I found out I was pregnant.